Some helpful Contortion Links

Some resources:
Mike's contortionist home page: great page with all kinds of photos, video clips and galleries organized per artist.
Elainilee's contortion and flexibility page: Many photos of contortionism artists present and past. Quite a good collection for the gallery viewer.
The Limber Land Link (LLL): Moderate fan site, some Cirque Du Soleil photos and others caught in the act of contortion performing arts.
Fredy's contortion web ring: Lots to browse.
TotalToning: Great site, if not for the intro page alone. Tons of exotic information and bizarre, high-quality photos. Highly reccommended. An awful site with some GREAT photos. If you can find them.
I will be posting more resources soon, to include gymnastic training and fitness needed to start training in the wonderful art of contortion.
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